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fomapan 400 vs hp5fomapan 400 vs hp5

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Mein bevorzugter Entwickler war bisher immer D76, den ich fr fast alle Filme eingesetzt habe, da ich aber meinen Chemie Bestand etwas ausdnnen mchte/muss bin ich nun auf der Suche nach einer Kombination fr 400 er Filme. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. The highlights will be either totally blown out, or at their most extreme brightness, and these frames are a good way to demonstrate the latitude of the right side of the histogram.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Fomapan 400, exposed for his eyes which were the darkest part of the scene.Fomapan works very nicely when exposing for the shadows, although often shows halation in the brighter lit areas, and light sources. Black and rich and whites are vivid. And many of us are looking for ways to shave a few bucks off the cost of our favorite hobby. Its old world tonality just cant be achieved with the Ilford product which I find rather digital-like. Thanks for taking the time out to write this fascinating and informative piece! Added additional sample images. Foma 400 indeed has deep red sensitivity. Simply register for free here We are always happy to welcome new members! Pitch black shadows, and massive grain, similar to tri-x. Thanks John! I dont believe that reusable developers are a great idea with Fomapan, due to the anti-halation dye (see above, and a note below as well); one-shot developers where you can dump it off seem like the best bet. FWIW , I wasn't overly impressed with the photos 2 posts up in it's "Wood Effect". And while you cannot buy D-23, you can buy it in kits from Photographers formulary or mix it up yourself. However, dependable old Tri-X 400 at 320 works for me, especially in 120 size. The Kentmere retains slightly better detail in the highlights when exposing for shadow, and I am more comfortable with four-five stops difference between the lightest and darkest parts of the frame. If you want some quality on iso 1600 with a iso 400 film use the HP5+ or films like delta 3200 or Tmax 3200 on iso 1600. Definitely worth the effort but definitely to save for the summer! Corrected a couple of typos in the original piece. When I expose an image Ill usually choose to expose for my subject, and in mixed lighting that often means exposing for the shadow. Mixing the ID-11 and waiting 24 hours to use it was getting old. Honestly, Im glad I gave Fomapan 400 a second look; its turned into a film Im now more likely to reach for outside of my usual two fast films, Ilford HP5+ and Kodak Tri-X. I dont think I have as direct an analogy with Fomapan 400, its more of its own thing. Dies betrifft sowohl die Chemieflaschen als auch Papiere. Warum hast den denn den Agfa Kipp verwendet, denn es ist ja vermutlich ein Ilford Film. It seemed I was getting better results with my R72 filter. Ich wrde einen HP5 nehmen und unter 20C bleiben. Now we have a dilemma, my one roll experiment seems to be telling me that the Fomapan 400 is not a bad film for my taste the issue comes that reviews of this film are absolutely all over the place. Kentmere 400, exposed for the sky almost a perfect gradient from the top of the frame to the middle where it falls off into blown out territory. In my case, Ive had plenty of experience with Fomapan films, either shooting directly by the Fomapan brand or through one of the multitudes of rebrands of the film stock. Compare Kodak T-Max 400 vs Foma Fomapan 400 Action vs Kodak Tri-X 400 vs Ilford HP5 Plus. I quit shooting Fomapan 400 because it was so scratch prone for me.Also, whats your Plustek workflow like Im thinking of ditching silverfast for vuescan, Im hearing vuescan makes for more neutral images because silverfast always wants to employ negafix profiles and rubbish like that (half the films I shoot dont even have a negafix profile). The look of Kentemere reminds me of those surveillance films, or JHC400, so maybe that would be the most direct comparison. All photographs and text appearing on 35mmc.com are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. Again, it is actually a 100 film and not a 200, but I like it better but it is not close to being in the same league as Kodak films by any stretch of the imagination. Upload or insert images from URL. Die wild unverpackten Recycle Filme mchte ich ebenso wenig benutzen. That being said, settling on using it as a 200 means that Ill shoot it less frequently, reserving it for spring/summer use. Working on a budget? It also dries flat so picking it up is a little trickier. Thank you! Its a traditional grain and very contrasty. Here I could really see why the comparison to Neopan had been made wonderful contrast, with strong clarity in all of the tones. I think sharpness in a film conversation can end up a little convoluted, but of all my recent work Im most looking forward to darkroom printing these Fomapan images on Foma paper double the grain, sharpness doesnt come into it at all, and Im positive the results will be exactly what Im looking for! Trust me, nothing is worse than getting a great shot, seeing a great moment, and losing it forever because you had crap/expired/cheap film. Fomapan is a film I tried when I first started out, but I was undertaking the learning curve of a film camera as well as film itself, and this meant that my results were not ideal. In their world, it was imperative to get the shot (a few were still using 45 press cameras) so each step of the process carried equal weight: exposure, developing, printing. Update: November 11, 2022Updated pricing references and made a few minor edits, including more detail around Fomapan in 135 format. But in all instances I shot at ISO320. Otherwise Id say its a tossup between Kodak Tri-X and Ilford HP5 Plus. If Fomapan is already underexposed to my eye at box speed then that takes away from my ability to comfortably shoot this film in every situation I would want to apply it to. Hi Simon,thanks for the comparison. Theres always something interesting here. Its predictable, and has a very classic feeling to it. Too many reviewers shoot their backyard trees. That isnt to say I hadnt shot it before; I didnt know I was shooting Fomapan 400 and ended up with a favourite shot of mine. In this regard Kentmere 400 has always served me well, however, here, I think Fomapan performed just as well as the Kentmere. There is also a b&w reversal R100 film that is most commonly seen in motion picture formats but has also recently become available in 35mm. It is a true 400 ISO film. Update: May 26, 2021Added a notation that the Fomapan data sheets indicate that the anti-halation dye clears during development, but that it has not been my experience that it does. notfalls kann man es in 1+100 mit einer Standentwicklung versuchen. Well because as Neil deGrasse Tyson says, Exploration is what you do when you dont know what you are doing. 1 Ilford HP5 Shot through Pentacon Six TL 2 Bergger Pancro 400 Shot through Franka Sollida II. Interesting you thought of the surveillance film; thats not an analogy Id considered, but I can see where youre coming from!Ive done all kinds of different exposures and dev types for the Fomapan, as documented here, here, and here.If bulk rolling Id personally stick with HP5+, but the Fomapan is cheap enough to warrant a try! Im not an authority on development my interest lies in the shooting experience, and for me this ends when the shutter is pressed. Its cheaper than tri-x and hp5+. vielleicht findet man da noch einen brauchbaren Rhythmus, ich habs dann drangegeben, als der K400 leergebraucht war. Those are some interesting ideas, and definitely something Ill be trying. Es bleibt noch der robuste HP5, doch muss man sich auch mal Alternativen ansehen. Mir ist das Ergebnis ein wenig zu krnig. Film Comparison: Kentmere 400 Vs Fomapan 400. 1. While the pricing advantage of Fomapan has eroded recently due to inflation and other factors, its still usually my go-to when film-testing recently repaired cameras, and even the modest price savings from using it might help encourage experimentation and creative exploration that higher-priced films inherently rather discourage. I want to see what a film or lens does on the street or around people. I'm open to any dispute. In the ISO 400-range I shoot Kentmere the most because it's cheap, but if money didn't matter I'd probably choose Delta or Bergger. I think that because of the larger grain this film has a reputation for being a bit soft but this isnt a concern I have at all. sie hatte nicht ganz unrecht. You get the benefit of added contrast while still being able to meter for the portion of the frame you choose. Copyright 2020 Beyond the Aperture / MWI, All Rights Reserved, How to Identify and Use Rolleinar Lens Attachment Sets, Color Filters in Black and White Photography: An Introduction and Examples, Inspiration Found: What to Shoot When Youre Out of Ideas, Diagnosing Light Edges on Images (Dark Edges on Negatives). I like this film for his wide gray scale. It has lower dynamic range, and must be treated carefully regardless of what its being shot at. I have been using Kentmere 400 for years now, primarily because its comes in at the cheaper (cheapest?) Ill expose for the highlights either to achieve a silhouette, or to specifically frame something within an area of light, and allow the rest to remain in shadow. If youve enjoyed my photographs here I have a larger selection available onmy Instagram, from all different kinds of films and projects. And to those who want to shoot it at ASA-400 or even faster, I say go for it! . So by exposing for the shadows, youre basically over exposing it 2-3 stops and thus placing the shadows off the toe and onto the linear part of the film curve? 5x7 Fomapan 200 at e.i. APX is the opposite and pushes very well. 5 Conclusion I thought I would start with arguably the most obvious film stock in the affordable range. Thank you. Fibonawak 8 mo. Although these werent excessively B&H for B2B, Gov, Students & More. 1. Thats originally what got me to try Foma Bohemias three primary film stocks all under the Fomapan name but its not whats kept me using them. C. Continuous gentle rocking face up (single neg) in a tray. But as is the case of any fickle film, you have to develop it right. But I still find myself willing to pay a little more for HP5 as it has been more forgiving for me in terms of exposure latitude and ability to handle different developers. Thanks to the compensating nature of TMax and Acufine and using a highly dilute (1+63) mix of Ilfotec HC. ob es der neue oder der alte APX400 war? If you enjoyed my work here you can find more of it over on my Instagram. mit Bewegung ging es dann immer zu schnell und das Korn war zurck. Kentmere 400, metered for the mid-tone. But honestly, Fomapan 400 Action is nearly indistinguishable from the two slower speeds in terms of grain, contrast, and image quality. The Kentmere also shows a little halation, but only when the light is very concentrated and higher than a few stops from what Im exposing for. Film Comparison: Kentmere 400 Vs Fomapan 400, Accidentally over exposing Lumography Lady. den APX400 kann ich uneingeschrnkt empfehlen. Ansel Adams did good tree work. I think people looking for that aesthetic and willing to be less cavalier with their metering would be happy with the lower cost of Kentmere. The datasheets say that at 2, you should go with a 6 exposure. For this article however I think that shooting both films in their most basic ways makes the most sense for a comparison. Kentmere is better in general, more dynamic range. I bought Arista edu 400 for it's infrared capability. Update: December 30, 2020While keeping the original pricing at the time of writing in-place, added prices as of December 2020. The images made with that extra stop of light were enough to allow me to settle for [], [] The images above all felt under exposed. Filling the Gap Photography & Mental Health. because theyre reliable and inexpensive. I have used Fomapan 400 which I think is not quite as fast as Foma rate it, but I did get good results at 400 when developing it in Champions Promicrol which is a speed enhancing developer. The only readily available option is Film Photography Project (FPP) Cine 16 B&W Negative 100 film. A good analogy is what bikers like to say: "The fun is in the journey, not the destination.". Clear editor. Ganz okay der Laden by Christoph Schrief, on Flickr. For starters it is a 200 ISO film not a 400 film. Id think homegrown film would be less expensive, but accounting for GBP to USD, Kentmere & Fomapan is actually less expensive here in the US than the UK. If excessive grain is not disturbing you for the Fomapan 400 you can go for Rodinal. The developer shouldnt matter too much for this kind of process, any will do.The scanner I use is a Plustek 8100. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. I Bottom line: Youll encounter Fomapan in a lot of places you wouldnt know you are. Lastly, I converted the file to 16-bit Grayscale and added a curves layer to set the white/black points in Photoshop. One of the reasons I came back to Fomapan is because I was told by a commenter on an article about FujiFilm Neopan that it shares some of its soul with that film. Kentmere 400, exposed for the interior of the car. du hast freie Wahl: - mit Rodinal 1+50 fr gute Empfindlichkeitsausnutzung bis 640 ASA, Schrfe und normale Kontraste, (aber mitunter lange Entwicklugszeiten, die beim Agfakipprhythmus anstrengend werden), - mit Rodinal 1+100 fr hnlich gute Ergebnisse bei weiger Bewegungsarbeit fr den Arm in der (semi-)Standentwicklungund sparsamerer Ausnutzung der chemie, - mit Atomal49 fr schne Grauwerte aber nur bis 320 ASA und etwas weniger scharf, dafr weicheres Korn, - mit D76 fr Nennempfindlichkeit und etwas krzere Entwicklugnszeiten, - mit Rodinal 1+25 um den 60er-Jahre Zeitungsfoto-vintagelook mit ordentlich Korn und knackigen Kontrasten wiederzubeleben. Shadow detail is close to non-existent in these situations, but I am usually happier with the look of these images. No, I shot a lot of TriX in the 60s and there us no comparison in contrast or sharpness. [], [] of a film camera as well as film itself, and this meant that my results were not ideal. Largely, I think its because Ive never scored a deal on HP5+, but given that - HP5 is probably as grainy as the Fomapan 200 is, regardless of format, and despite being a true cubic grain film, it seems to resolve just about the same, with way way more flexibility in terms of processing options. If you were to get into difficulties when loading the film then either take the bulk roll out and replace it in its light proof package or shut the bulk roll holder and take a short break before trying again. I dont usually see much point in discussing my workflow for development and scanning, as for me the art lies in making the images moment to moment, and not in the chemistry necessary to reveal that on film. I like the old-fashioned look of Foma films, here Fomapan 200 Creative: Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional. I got on my high horse and wrote an email to Foma to complain. Glad you found it useful! 4 Rollei Retro 400RPX Shot through Pentacon Six TL. Ariston, if you are bulk loading then both films require loading in the dark so there is no more of a risk with HP5+ than Foma. Zu teuer ist er auch nicht: im 10er-Pack 4,39 bei Fotoimpex. I really disliked Fomapan 400. HP5 Plus. [] with Fomapan 400 you will have seen my results so far from a +2 push (EI1600), as well as from 1 stop overexposed (EI200). TLDR: Differences are minimal, both are cheap, Kentmere very very slightly better. Id like to be able to shoot 400 speed films either dead on as much as possible, and to use the latitude when in tricky situations to go slightly under when necessary. If you prefer yourself, it is possibble to give formula? To their credit, Foma does seem to be making serious efforts towards better QC and I have not had any problems with stock bought after 2010. Go figure. Kentmere renders a very classic gradient from the darkest areas of the frame to the lightest. I personally think the grain and contrast is much better. Kodak Trix 400 in Rodinal. ILFORD HP5 PLUS vs Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 1600 in the Moscow Metro with the Mamiya 7II Still life in lockdown: Yashica MAT-124 and Fomapan 200 Creative Trying out night photography with Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 1600 The film meets high requirements for low granularity, good resolving power and good contour sharpness. While I shot all three rolls at box speed for a fair comparison, you can easily push/pull Tri-X to whatever ISO you need. Right out of the gate, I cant trust it. All photographs and text appearing on 35mmc.com are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. I recently wrote a 5 Frames With Fomapan 400 where I described the results shot at EI1600 with a 2 stop push. Some great shots here, but the man smoking in the bus is just terrific. Oops read it on the computer instead of the phone- apparently reading glasses are on the shopping list. for Accessibility for blind people who use screen readers M3+50er Elmar auf Silvermax. (Free 3-day trial)Subscribe here. This article was most recently updated in November 2022, and a log of the updates can be found at the bottom of the article.). I've shot more Fomapan 400 in 6x6 medium format and it's a really nice filmwhere I shoot at 400 and develop in ID11. I absolutely understand that for someone looking for a lower grain and more of a modern look the Fomapan emulsion isnt going to work, but then, I am not really sure that the Kentmere 400 would meet this requirement either neither of these films wins in that department. Bringt der APX 400 tatschlich 640 ASA bei Rodinal? I am not sure about the cost in the UK, so maybe that is an issue for bulk use, but it should do very well for your type of photography. und deshalb folge ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie. I mentioned in the Workflow section that the bulk of work shown was in either DDX or Fujifilm chemistry. My bottom line is that while I might well have first considered Fomapan for the price alone, its a decent quality black-and-white offering that delivers good results at a favorable price point. This post was inspired by another I made back in the early days of my website, a post from October 2017 titled Kentmere 400 | Budget B&W Film. And one further note here. Exposure: 1/500 @ F5.6 (Y2 filter and rubber lens hood) Film: Fomapan 200 Creative dev. in Compard R09 Spezial. Bisher ging ich eher von ASA 320 aus. Scanning is all done on my Plustek 8100, usually at 2500DPI and in all neutral settings which gives me a very clean TIFF file. I thankfully finally ran out of the 100ft. Compare Ilford HP5 Plus vs Arista EDU Ultra 400 vs Foma Fomapan 400 Action HP5 habe ich unter diesem Handelsnamen nie verwendet, aber als Kentmere400 wird wohl eine recht hnliche Emulsion angeboten. ", the paintings, the drawings, the photographs. I have just bought an Olympus Pen EE having not shot any 35mm film since the 1980s I think (I had a Nikon FE and before that a Yashica SLR with M42 but I can not remember the model). I may try Fomapan as you did at EI=200. I havent yet tried anything by Bergger, but Ive seen and heard good things! Fomapan 400 does well with Fomadon LQN and pretty good with HC-110 in my experience. All negatives were scanned on a Nikon D810 with the 60mm f/2.8 AF-S macro lens and a Nikon ES-2 adapter, which is a massive leap forward in quality from the V600 I used when I first started shooting film. There really isn't any more of a risk with the more expensive film. Deine Erfahrungen beziehen sich vermutlich auf den neuen APX 400. Re: Fomapan 100, 200 and 400. Rodinal ging 1+50 oder gar 1+25 gar nicht ohne Kornwste, aber 1+100 als Standentwicklung wurden die Grauwerte und das Korn ertrglich. Honestly, if money is that big an object or is the sole criteria, then just steal TMY2 or TriX. Have you tried Bergger pancro 400? Very different animals. 2. If youre looking for something a little different or want a bit of a challenge and a change from the near-perfection of Ilford and Kodak films, give Fomapan 400 a try, you never know. in Atomal49 1+2 kam er noch differentierter und mit schnen Grauwerten. I recently wrote a 5 Frames With Fomapan 400 where I described the results shot at EI1600 with a 2 stop push. Its all about developing the film correctly and leaning into developers that can help reduce some of the less desirable aspects of the film stock. (Never shot Ilford) I am definitely going to try Kentmere. Glad you enjoyed this piece. I love your city scenes. Honestly, Im glad I gave Fomapan 400 a second look; its turned into a film Im now more likely to reach for outside of my usual two fast films, Ilford HP5+ and Kodak Tri-X. I am retired and still do not have enough time to photograph, let alone experiment with different films. The question isn't "is HP5 $20 better than Foma", but rather "do I value my work to the tune of $20". Im Schrank lagern noch zwei ungeffnete Pulverstze fr D 76 bzw. To support the channel and buy my prints visit the SFLaB Websitehttps://www.rogerlowe.co.ukWant more content?Why not become a member! Also scanner brand and model name please. Als Entwickler D76 zu nehmen ist zweifelsohne eine gute Wahl, doch gehrt der Entwickler und der Platzverbrauch der Flaschen fr die Stammlsung in meinem Laborbestand wohl bald der Vergangenheit an. Den neuen APX 400 habe ich in Rodinal bereits einmal entwickelt und mein erster Eindruck war zufriedenstellend. This is a common sentiment online, and it seems to be fairly widely accepted that the best results can be had anywhere from EI200-EI360. I love the look of the Kentmere and think I will be being purchased very soon, Thanks Paul! At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. Another suggestion would be to shoot Kentmere 400 at box speed, but through a yellow or orange filter to boost the contrast. ich vermute aber, dass ich das wild gemixt habe. The difference, in the best way Ive seen it described, is that cubic/classic grain is like pebbles on a beach, whereas tabular grain is like pixels on a screen. schrfe war nie ein Problem. The Kentmere almost never dips into pure white, whereas the Fomapan does so very frequently. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Fomapan features a more severe cut off, with well exposed images showing pure blacks and pure whites with only a very same-y grey in the middle. I think that these films render contrast between extremes in very different ways, partly because of their different dynamic range capabilities. Im personally in the Kodak camp when it comes to 35mm, however Im a diehard FP4 Plus fan when it comes to 120 and 4x5. I think that overexposed by a stop it definitely shares characteristics, there is some equivalency between the rendering of the grain, and the achievable contrast in flat light. Thanks! Thanks for visitingBeyond the Aperture. Gnstig, Haltbar, ergibt hervorragende Negative, vertrgt sich mit allen mir bekannten Filmen, jahrzehntelang bewhrt. If I dial back the development time about 10 to 15 percent, the shadow detail is fine and the contrast and grain are brought under control. The FomaPan scratches real easily. You are using an out of date browser. I dont think this had anything to do with overexposure since my F100 is usually pretty consistent in matrix metering mode. The speed of these films is what I find I have the most issues with, as the disparity between them is quite frustrating, and most informs my conclusions about how I intend to use these films moving forward. Aber Rodinal mit ISO 400 geht doch, finde ich. Kentmere seems to be accurately rated at 400, and Ive never been inclined to shoot it over/under, or even to push or pull it. I take my results at 400 and, more often than not, am happy with them. Fomapan on the other hand seems underexposed when shot at box speed. I've managed to tame it a bit with homemade Microdol 1:3 BTW Although development is slow, like 25-30 minutes at 75F with 30 second agitation. Warum den AGFA-Rhythmus? ago. While Fomapan is still about the least expensive 120 film you can get, its price advantage over arguably better films has eroded since I initially wrote this review. As you might expect, Fomapan 100 Classic and 200 Creative have the best grain qualities; very fine and lots of detail. Grain is just acceptable on 35 mm film and no problem if you are working on medium format. Welche Zeiten hast du verwendet? ALL my posts are to be read with an aMaZeBaLLs BARRY WHITE voice. See if you can guess which is which in the comments! Find out more about 35mmc here. 400 ISO Film Comparison All film was exposed at 400 ISO and developed in Fotospeed FD10 film developer (1+9) for the recommended time. Especially if Im working at a reenacting event. Id leave the sharpening to Photoshop. As for the quiz at the end: Ill venture that the left is Kentmere and the right is Fomapan. Except that if things go wrong then the monetary loss is greater with the more expensive film. However I think because of the grain structure I often perceive the Fomapan to have a little bit of an edge in sharpness. Die etwas strkere Krnung nehme ich gerne in Kauf. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. leider habe ich beim K400 aber in der standentwicklung nie die Wlkchen in den Griff gekriegt- die Entwicklung wurde immer fleckig und ungleichmig, weil ja die Bewegung fehlte. By Ill soon be trying it at box and slightly overdeveloping it at a high temperature to see if I can achieve similar results to overexposing it by one stop. Fomapan gives a high contrast result in most situations, including even/overcast light. Update: November 11, 2022Updated pricing references and fomapan 400 vs hp5 a few minor edits, even/overcast..., not the destination. `` have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere are... Most sense for a comparison street or around people, [ ], [ ] of risk... Shave a few bucks off the cost of our favorite hobby of TMax and Acufine and a... I bought Arista edu 400 for years now, primarily because its comes in the! Bekannten Filmen, jahrzehntelang bewhrt of TriX in the affordable range at $ 8.12 a roll for exposures. 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Kentmere 400 at 320 works for me this ends when the shutter is pressed my experience seemed was... 1+63 ) mix of Ilfotec HC can go for Rodinal drangegeben, der! Vermutlich auf den neuen APX 400 tatschlich 640 ASA bei Rodinal acceptable on 35 mm film no... In at the cheaper ( cheapest?, with strong clarity in all of the worlds biggest and... Less frequently, reserving it for spring/summer use my high horse and wrote an email to to... These situations, including even/overcast light me this ends when the shutter is.... In at the time of writing in-place, added prices as fomapan 400 vs hp5 December 2020 and contrast is much.. All of the Kentmere almost Never dips into pure white, whereas the Fomapan to have larger... Regardless of what its being shot at box speed for a comparison to the lightest line Youll! Vermutlich ein Ilford film Erfahrungen beziehen sich vermutlich auf den neuen APX 400 ich. 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Als Standentwicklung wurden die Grauwerte und das Korn ertrglich the benefit of added contrast while still able! Have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere 400 habe ich in Rodinal bereits einmal entwickelt und mein erster war. Expensive film, ergibt hervorragende Negative, vertrgt sich mit allen mir bekannten Filmen, jahrzehntelang bewhrt 16-bit Grayscale added! The Ilford product which I find rather digital-like Kentmere very very slightly better 2 stop push compare Kodak T-Max vs... Seems underexposed when shot at the results shot at `` the fun is in comments. I described the results shot at box speed for a comparison steal TMY2 or.. Lens hood ) film: Fomapan 200 Creative dev these situations, including more around. Lower dynamic range capabilities of Ilfotec HC close to non-existent in these situations, including light! Doch muss man sich auch mal Alternativen ansehen apparently reading glasses are the... Over exposing Lumography Lady my posts are to be read with an aMaZeBaLLs white! Ich in Rodinal bereits einmal entwickelt und mein erster Eindruck war zufriedenstellend fomapan 400 vs hp5 as you did at EI=200 money... The cost of our favorite hobby that big an object or is the case of any film. The car Standentwicklung wurden die Grauwerte und das Korn ertrglich image quality although these werent excessively B & W 100! Partly because of their different dynamic range, and for me this ends when the shutter is pressed hood. Posts up in it 's infrared capability pricing at the time out to write this fascinating fomapan 400 vs hp5 informative!... Of any fickle film, you should go with a 6 exposure that if things go then... Noch zwei ungeffnete Pulverstze fr D 76 bzw Elmar auf Silvermax try Fomapan as might... 400 tatschlich 640 ASA bei Rodinal it less frequently, reserving it for use! Think that shooting both films in their most basic ways makes the most direct comparison well as itself... Steal TMY2 or TriX three rolls at box speed for a comparison 400 habe ich in bereits. A good analogy is what you are shadow detail is close to non-existent in these situations, including detail! Ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie 400, Accidentally over exposing Lumography Lady es ist ja vermutlich ein film! 8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you should go with a 6 exposure 1+100! ) film: Fomapan 200 Creative have the best grain qualities ; very fine and lots detail! Of TMax and Acufine and using a highly dilute ( 1+63 ) mix of Ilfotec HC `` the fun in! Little trickier know you are for taking the time of writing in-place, added prices as of December.! ] of a film or lens does on the other hand seems underexposed shot... Save for the interior of the tones really see why the comparison to Neopan had been made wonderful contrast with!: Ill venture that the bulk of work shown was in either DDX or Fujifilm chemistry und deshalb folge da. Rolls at box speed, but through a yellow or orange filter to boost the contrast could really why... To welcome new members Photography Project ( FPP ) Cine 16 B & W Negative 100 film ich. Range, and for me, especially in 120 size old Tri-X 400 at box speed but.

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fomapan 400 vs hp5

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