american violet worksheetamerican violet worksheet
Guide the discussion to cover the following points, supplying information if the class cannot provide it: Finally, ask the class if they agree or disagree with the choices that society has made with respect to plea bargains and to support their conclusions. Section Four 10 points Directions: Using your knowledge of contract formation and defenses, please review the following scenarios and state whether there is a valid contract, that is an offer, Jim is mad at Sam for stealing his girlfriend, Sue. 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Supplemental Materials. Evaluate the plea bargaining system, describe the public policies which it serves and the public policy compromises that it requires, and express and justify an opinion about whether the plea bargaining system is, overall, good public policy, Students can research and write a formal essay or create a class presentation on the prisoners dilemma.. Be sure to include the. The ACLU lawyer is portrayed as a white knight, helping the powerless; but even he shows doubts when Dee asks if any of this will actually do any good. (2. Select ALL that apply. American pop artist Andy Warhol with one of his 'Superstars', French-American artist Ultra Violet , September 1968. Plea bargaining serves practical interests for most stakeholders: The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 2012 case, held that that: To a large extent horse trading [between prosecutor and defense counsel] determines who goes to jail and for how long. Let's Review What You Learned. Chris Weigant blogs at: Balanced against stories such as the one described above are the millions of people who have avoided the expense of trial and received more lenient sentences by entering into a plea bargain. If faced with Dees situation, what choice do you believe you would make? I wouldn't really call it peculiar. Several individuals in the movie see Dee only in a negative light because of the decisions she has made. Boot (2 Versions)3. American Violet Questions The American Civil Liberties Union, or the ACLU, is an important driving force in American Violet, giving Dee the resources and confidence necessary to fight Even if it were possible to hold a substantially increased number of criminal trials, defendants wouldnt get the lenient sentences that are usually part of a plea bargain. This product would be perfect for any art teac, In which John Green teaches you about America's "peculiar institution," slavery. 496 African American Social Justice and Civil Rights Assignment. Alex was innocent, but the evidence against him was very strong with an eye-witness willing to testify that he was the shooter and physical evidence that pointed to him. The case is resolved by a bargain, a deal between the defendant and the prosecutor. Two months later, Sam is walking to Sue's house one evening. Had the justice system worked, she would have been acquitted; however, given the public defender who had been assigned to her, that was not very likely. Discuss the focus of the raid at Arlington Heights in the movie and explain if Dees rights and others were violated as a result of the raid. Think about having an attorney speak to the class about plea bargaining and some of his or her experiences with plea bargaining. (2, 7. I mean, after all in the past 25 years, the United States of America has seen an African-American presence. Teaching the late 1880s and 1890s? Do you think we should support policies that treat drug use as a health issue, not a criminal justice issue. Do you prefer the perspective oforiginalismor do you believe more in a living constitution? B- They offer inservice training for newly-hired. Part of HuffPost Politics. TWO CONTRASTING TRADITIONS RELATING TO RACISM IN AMERICA and a Tragic Irony of the American Revolution: the Sacrifice of Freedom for the African-American Slaves on the Altar of Representative Democracy. Depending on the lighting product, violets should be positioned 10-30 inches away from the light unit, and the light should be turned on for 6-12 hours a day. What can a defendant do about this problem? 1. Review the film clip to make sure it is suitable for the class. Jim tells Sam he will get even and threatens to run him over one day. 3. She thinks she is being arrested for her outstanding parking tickets. 7. Collar8. [A strong essay will include the following points: (1) success for either side depends upon the skill of the attorneys in negotiating not just the guilt or innocence of the accused; (2) prosecutors are not required to disclose any problems with their evidence; (3) prosecutors are eager for plea bargains because it results in an easy conviction, and prosecutors are judged on the number of convictions they achieve; (4) in certain situations some defense attorneys may not want to advocate strongly for their clients because the defense attorneys have to work with the prosecutors on other cases; (5) the accused may feel pressure to agree because of the disruption and cost of a trial. How does the War on Drugs affect families of today? Professionally and recreationally. Let's listen and consider the following questions: The order of solos in this piece is: Farrell, The order of solos in Tito Puente's Royal "T" is: Burtis/Velasco trading eights, Burtis, Rodriguez/Lujan trading eights. These words actually have been weaponized. Please revise and edit your paper for mechanical and grammatical errors. Alex was accused of shooting his former business partner in an attempted murder. I'd lean more toward horrifying and depressing institution, but nobody asked me. The potential to conserve valuable prosecutorial resources and for defendants to admit their crimes and receive more favorable terms at sentencing means that a plea agreement can benefit both parties. All Supreme Court quotations are from Missouri v. Frye, 42 Supreme Court Reporter 1399 at 1408 (2012). * The ACLU is our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country. 1. I think we would be better off if we were more concrete, we talked about real problems, and we actually used a language that got us away from these overused terms that actually dont mean that much. 4. He had a family with a wife and three young children. 3. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Given the fact that the U.S. justice system is an adversarial system in which the different parties compete to see who wins, what is the role of the ACLU and organizations like it? What are the ions of which it is composed? Research the protection against illegal search and seizure found in the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and write an expository essay in which you address its relationship to the issue of drug sweeps raised in American Violet. Discuss all the people in Dees life and how each of those individuals or groups of individuals gave her the strength she needed to continue? Research shows that compared to girls, boys in the U.S. are more likely to be diagnosed with a behavior disorder, prescribed stimulant medications, fail out of school, binge drink, commit a violent crime, and/or take their own lives. Worse still, this situation has largely been hidden from public scrutiny -- left to the shadows, it has greatly undermined both the fairness and effectiveness of our criminal justice system. In the HSV/HSB scale, American Violet has a hue of 271, 81% saturation and a brightness value of 55%. A Traditional Triad Color Scheme uses three evenly spaced Hues on the Basic Color Wheel. Kelly's website ( is one of the best places to get information and links, or you can watch and listen to Kelly tell her own story on YouTube. Dee demonstrates tremendous courage throughout the movie. Answers will vary: Some may suggest that general racist attitudes are responsible. Ms. Roberts agrees to become the plaintiff in a lawsuit brought to stop the abuse and endures difficulties and tests before the case succeeds. How Does the movie begin? Explain your reasons with reference to: (a) the concept that the result of the criminal process should be justice rather than the result of horse trading and (b) the fiscal impact and whether money would be better spent on other priorities. a definition of plea bargaining In a plea bargain, the defendant gets a reduced sentence or the dismissal of some of the charges; in return, the defendant must plead guilty or no contest to one or more crimes; when a person accused of a crime enters into a plea bargain, he or she waives certain constitutional rights; almost all criminal cases (95%, according to the U.S. Supreme Court) end in a plea bargain, not a trial; it is up to prosecutors to decide whether to charge someone with a crime or what particular crime to charge them with. But this outrage only serves to make her more human, since it is always provoked in defense of her four small children. The money saved by the plea bargain system allows the states and the federal government to devote more resources to other needs, such as schools and public health. This set includes children signing the following ASL sign language words: Adult, Aunt, Baby, Boy, Brother (2 versions), Children, Cousin, Girl, Family, Father, Grandfather, Grandmother, Mother, Niece, Nephew, Parents, Sister (2 versions), and Uncle. American Violet tells the story of legal injustice and systemic, institutionalized racism -- and the struggle to overcome such prejudice. Guide the discussion to cover the following points: Ask the class to state the policy choices made by society when it adopted a justice system based on plea bargains. From the standpoint of the public, do you agree or disagree with this public policy choice? Even though it is a historical fiction it does give a realistic "feel" for how families non-intentionally got involved in the Revolutionary War and eventually the support of the Declaration of Independ, Thank you for looking at my movie companion packet for El Laberinto del fauno (Pan's Labyrinth), from the Mexican director Guillermo del Toro. Judges almost always accept plea bargains. American Violet Video Worksheet 1. Evolving Bundle + Google Apps Versions, American Titans 6 Episode movie Guides - American Heroes Channel - Economics, Thanksgiving from a Native American perspective, The Century: America's Time - Unpinned (1965-1970), The Century - America's Time - Every Episode Bundle (PDF), Flowers Mini-Unit: Write the Room and Mini-Booklets, American Titans Season 1 Episode 1 Carnegie vs. Frick American Heroes Channel, Lewis & Clark Journal (Blackfoot) - Native American Primary Source w guiding Qs, Greg's Goods - Lesson Pieces - Making Learning Fun, Lewis & Clark Bundle (map activity, comics, PPT, primary sources, games, & more), High School African American History Reading - Civil Rights Movement, Part 2, High School African American History Reading - Civil Rights Movement, Parts 1-3, The Century - Americas Time: "Unpinned" (Episode 11), The Ultimate Civil War Series Episodes 1-7 Bundle Movie Guides 2012 W/Answer Key, "The Mask You Live In" (2015) Documentary Video Guide Worksheet. Question #4: Many people charge that the legislatures of some states and the federal Congress have increased the length of sentences for some crimes, not because the law-makers believed that the severity of the crime justified the longer sentence but only to give prosecutors an edge in plea bargaining. Have you ever been faced with a decision of a similar magnitude? 3. Listen to Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage performed by Herbie Hancock, and consider the following questions: There is an introduction to this. Students will be introduced to the English colonies in the New World and their early, and violent, interactions with Native Americans by watching the video: Crash Course U.S. History: The Natives and the, Native plants clipart Bundle includes 6 sets: North American Native plants clipart: Arctic lupin * Bristlecone pine * Century plant * Echinacea * Elderberry * Giant kelp * Giant sequoia * Heuchera americana * Highbush blueberry * Poison ivy * Red Twig Dogwood * Saguaro cactus * Sugar maple2 * Venus flytrap * white sage.South American Native plants clipart: Brazil nut2 * Cacao tree * Chilean carob tree * Chilean rhubarb * Chondrodendro tomentosum * Giant puya * Imperial bromeliad * Magellan Barbe, This short review is designed to help students experience being a geneticist tasked with discovering a new mutation: violet irises. Also included in:U.S. History 1600s-1890s ACTIVITIES Bundle: Colonial Period-Reconstruction, Also included in:Industrial Revolution in America UNIT BUNDLE, Also included in:USA state symbols clipart BUNDLE-part #2, Also included in:The Mystery of the Violet Eyes - Genetics Review Game Bundle, Also included in:The Hope Chest BUNDLE | Digital and Printable | Distance Learning, Also included in:US 50 States Flip Books Year Long Bundle Interactive Activity for Social Studies, Also included in:The Century - America's Time - Every Episode Bundle (PDF). Get access to all 2 pages and additional benefits: Do you prefer the perspective oforiginalismor do you believe more in a living constitution? So many of the terms we use, we use these terms over and over, starting with racism, structural racism, critical race theory. The absence of appropriate regulations and oversight have allowed the misuse and abuse of confidential informants to become an everyday occurrence in the "War on Drugs," breeding systemic injustice on a national scale. 3. Give your students new perspectives on race relations, on the history of the American Revolution, and on the contribution of the Founding Fathers to the cause of representative democracy. Solicit ideas about how to reform the plea bargaining process to improve the results without substantially increasing costs; have the class debate their efficacy; if the ideas are very good, have the proponents write them up and send them to their legislative representative. He was in the import-export business and had contacts in foreign countries.) Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. These guides usually sell for $2.49 - by buying them in this bundle you save 50%! Give your students new perspectives on race relations, on the history of the American Revolution, and on the contribution of the Founding Fathers to the cause of 7/24/14. This usually can be determined by checking on how the lawyer has treated other clients and thoroughly interviewing him or her. She works at a local diner, and enters hair. Menu American Violet (488) 6.9 1 h 42 min 2008 PG-13 Falsely accused of distributing narcotics in a school zone, Dee Roberts (Beharie) is offered a deal she can't refuse: plead guilty and Dees mother realizes, although Dee hasnt always made decisions that have helped her in life, that doesnt make her a drug dealer. Coat7. This is exactly what the prosecutor eventually did in Alexs case. She seems very well put together with a good head on her shoulders. This makes it easier for them to do their business, and they may be able to get better deals for at least some of their clients in future cases. The movie is a fictionalized retelling of the true story of Regina Kelly, of Hearne, Texas. These people are flawed in various ways, as are we all. The actors portraying them in the film do an excellent job of portraying the whole spectrum of these flaws. Benjamin Martin is a composite figure based on several Revolutionary War heroes. What happens if Dee fights her conviction? [A strong essay would include the concept that a lenient plea bargain will not satisfy the victims desire for justice, i.e., to have the criminal punished. The paper has to have a heading, name, class, and date; double spaced, 12 inch front, and typed. The snippet starts at the beginning of the movie and runs through the scene in which Ms. Roberts friend accepts a plea bargain and is released. What factors in the makeup of the victims of the excesses of the District Attorney may have led to their unwillingness to seek justice along with Dee Roberts? Alex was in jail for about two months, until his family could raise the $100,000 to pay the bail bondsman to get him out on his $1,000,000 bail. The movie American Violet does an excellent job of demonstrating both personal (individual) and institutional racism. The $100,000 was the bail bondsmans fee, and it would never be returned, even if Alex won his trial. 4. But the movie's powerful message on the role racism plays in the Drug War will likely horrify you just the same. 6. On the one hand, thats right, slavery, and segregation, and racism, and white supremacy is deeply entrenched in America. Decide whether to organize the post-viewing presentation by presenting the information in the Post-Viewing Enrichment Worksheet for American Violet through direct instruction, by asking the questions in the Snippet Lesson Plan, by having an attorney cover these points and more in a presentation to the class on plea bargains, by having students research the process of plea bargaining on their own, by having students read and respond to the questions in the Worksheet, or by a combination of all five methods. Thats all sixteen-year-old Rashad is looking for at the corner bodega. How Does the movie begin? Students can be asked to write formal or informal essays on the following topics: This Learning Guide was written by James Frieden and Mary RedClay. The compound KBr is an ionic compound. The years 1963 through 1968 remain some of the most violent and destructive years of American history. On the other hand, prosecutors who want to keep up their conviction rates, may agree to plea bargains that dont adequately punish a defendant and dont effectively deter crime. American Violet opens in selected markets across the country this Friday, April 17th, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C., Dallas, and Atlanta. The accused, innocent or guilty, can avoid the cost and disruption of a trial; The accused, innocent or guilty, gets a sure result and avoids the risk of harsher punishment if they go to trial; The accused, innocent or guilty, can avoid the publicity a trial could involve; The prosecutor gets a guaranteed conviction; The prosecutor saves the expense and the time involved in a trial; The victim gets a guaranteed conviction, although perhaps not the punishment that the victim would want imposed on the accused; The public avoids the expense of conducting a trial on every crime charged. I have included 15 different stereotypes and myths that have been seen in advertising, sports, and even in lessons on history and Native Americans. The websites list format makes it very approachable for most students. One good response is to make sure that the defense attorney is ethical and takes his or her responsibilities seriously. She resists pressure to agree to a plea bargain. Without spoiling the ending, American Violet is an excellent movie, and tells the story in a moving and heart-wrenching fashion. That can't happen in Texas anymore. Set out and evaluate the most important ideas about how to reform the plea bargaining process. Listen to the recording and provide counter numbers for the beginning and end. 2.49 - by buying them in this bundle you save 50 % thats all Rashad! About having an attorney speak to the recording and provide counter numbers for the beginning and end well together! 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