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muslim population in brazil 2020muslim population in brazil 2020

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AUSTRALIA- Australia with a population of 25 Million has 2.60% Muslims. There is no dominant ethnic group, but the largest communities are from Iran, Turkey and Bosnia. From January to August, the Jewish Federation of Sao Paulo recorded 149 incidents and allegations of anti-Semitism in the country in its annual anti-Semitism report. Buddhism is probably the largest of all minority religions, with about 215,000 followers. The Campinas mosque now holds regular Friday juma'at prayers. Although court documents were not publicly available due to the minor status of the child, media reported authorities found no evidence of physical or psychological harm and the girl said Candomble was her religion of choice. Buddhism was introduced to Brazil in the early twentieth century, by Japanese immigrants, although now, 60% of Japanese Brazilians are now Christian due to missionary activities and intermarriage. People following Islam are present in decent proportion in almost all states of India. Journal of Social History. During the year, Araujo spoke out regarding the importance of religious freedom. At years end, police were investigating the case but had not identified the attackers. Afro-Brazilian religious groups experienced the greatest number of occurrences, with four cases involving practitioners of Candomble and 19 cases involving practitioners of Umbanda. During the attack, they posted images of Adolf Hitler and his followers marching with the Nazi flag. "Cervantes in Algiers: A Captive's Tale." The population will continue to grow more and more slowly, until around 2050, when it is expected to stagnate and eventually start decreasing. [4] Until recently Catholicism was overwhelmingly dominant. Early Muslims met privately for prayer, to learn to read and write Quranic Arabicnotable during a period when most white Brazilians were illiteratefor spiritual guidance, and in some areas, to plan uprisings (such as the 1835 Mal Uprising). Though facing little friction overall, there are accounts of Pentecostals verbally harassing Muslims, particularly women wearing Islamic dress. Protestantism in Brazil largely originated with American missionaries in the second half of the 19th century, following up on efforts that began in the 1830s. It consisted of university professors who arrived in the 1900s and also in the 1970s. The Islamic Presence in Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. Brazil is ranked 1st among 14 countries in South America. . For example, as this report went to press, Kazakhstan released the results of its 2009 census, which found that Muslims make up 70.2% of Kazakhstan's population, a substantially higher percentage than reported in the country's 1999 Demographic and Health Survey, the source used to estimate Kazakhstan's Muslim population in 2010 and 2030 in this report. From this, one can see the emergence of the Brazilian-Muslim, an identity of its own, born out Brazils very own history of migration and slavery, as opposed to the Muslim-in-Brazil. p2. *Note: At 99.4% Muslim, the disputed territory Western Sahara would rank at #8but as it has not yet been recognized as a country by the United Nations, it was disqualified. Firstly, from a socio-economic perspective, Brazil's Muslim population is relatively wealthy - the average Brazilian Muslim has a higher income than the average Brazilian. Again, this disparity is more pronounced in Europe, with French people believing Muslims will make up 40 percent of the population in 2020, when research puts that percentage at just 8.3 percent. In July, a consulate representative from Rio de Janeiro met FIERJ representative Paulo Maltz to discuss challenges the Jewish community faced and learn about possible cases of anti-Semitism in the state. Islam in Brazil may be presumed to have first been practiced by African slaves brought from West Africa. The beginning traces of the Islam can be found during the 18th century with the arrival of slaves from West Africa, where the religion was already being widely practised, to the point of having established Islamic empires that spanned the Northern and Western regions of Africa. In fact, many researchers project that Muslims will outnumber Christians by the year 2050. Please feel free to share it on your social media, Also don't forget to give us some feedback. One of the most unusual features of the rich Brazilian spiritual landscape are the sects which use ayahuasca (an Amazonian entheogenic tea), including Santo Daime, Unio do Vegetal, and Centro de Cultura Csmica. According to the Brazilian census of 2010[15] there were 35,167 Muslims living in the country, primarily concentrated in the states of So Paulo and Paran, compared to 22,450 Muslims in 1990 and 27,239 in 2000. Asia's population increased from 1.4 billion in 1950 to 4.7 billion in 2020, the . The government estimates as of 2019 approximately 85.5 percent of the total population is Christian and 11 percent Muslim. Jon Tofik Karam, Muslim Histories in Latin America and the Caribbean, An Introduction to Islam in the 21st Century, eds. Pew Research projects that the Muslim population in the U.S. will reach 1.1 percent by 2020. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement. Muslim Americans make up 1% of the U.S. population as of 2020. Instability and war associated with the creation of theSokoto Caliphate generated thousands of Hausa slaves, many of them rival soldiers. In the year 2000 the figure was 27,239; in 1991 it was 22,450. The Pew Research Center says the number of Muslims living in the U.S. increased from 2.5 million to 3.5 million from 2007 to . On December 13, Rio de Janeiro Mayor Crivella inaugurated the Monument in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. On January 21, municipalities around the country commemorated the National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance. In July, the Federal Prosecutors Office sent a formal request to the mayor to provide his version of events. The order also included a fine of 1,000 reais ($190) for noncompliance. They noted the Presidents June Executive Order on religious freedom and explained the United States recommitment to the human rights enshrined within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 610 CE, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) started preaching Islam: God is One", that complete "submission" (Islm) to God is the right way of life (dn), and that he was a prophet and messenger of God, similar to the other prophets in Islam starting from Adam. [24] The LDS Church now also has 6 temples spread out across the nation, in Campinas, Curitiba, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Recife, and So Paulo, with additional temples under construction or announced in Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, Belm, Braslia, and Salvador. The embassy disseminated her presentation via embassy social media platforms. 51% disagreed. The Muslim population in Europe is about 50 million today going to 60 million by 2030, forming 8% of Europe's population (excluding Turkey). Updated on October 24, 2018. She discussed religion, politics, and environmentalism in the country. Two percent practice Afro-Brazilian religions, and three percent are Spiritists. The U.S. government estimates the total population at 211.7 million (midyear 2019 estimate). He is the author of the Historical Dictionary of Lebanon (1998), Bin Laden, Islam . 97% of Brazilians reported to believe in God; 2% have doubts and 1% do not believe in God. We keep ignoring this problem at our own peril. Largest Cities in Brazil CITY NAME Enjoy this Article? Over time, the population declined. Interestingly, while the countries listed above have the most Muslims overall, many smaller countries have a higher concentration of Muslim citizens. . In contrast, 2020 saw the Brazilian population grow just 0.72%. Muslims are followers of the religion Islam, who believe in and live by the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. These religions have suffered increasing hostility from Protestant churches, with attacks on temples and defacement of statues of the gods. Copyright 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Religion and Society Graduate Certificate (Harvard Extension School). For a detailed breakdown of how many Muslims live in each of the world's countries and what percentage of that country's population that equals, check out the table below. The law protects the right to use animal sacrifice in religious rituals. The Virtual Jewish History Tour: Brazil, Synagogue in Brazilian town Recife considered oldest in the Americas, "Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor International Religious Freedom Report 2009", Anlise dos Resultados/IBGE Censo Demogrfico 2010: Caractersticas gerais da populao, religio e pessoas com deficincia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Religion_in_Brazil&oldid=1133595051, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Centers of neo-Pentecostalism are Londrina in Paran state, as well the cities of So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte (capital of Minas Gerais), especially the suburban and nearby areas of these cities. [5] Barbary pirates were known to attack the shipping of slaves and merchandise while taking prisoners coming from the Americas. 3, p313-p333. Most live in So Paulo and operate thriving Islamic community centers and mosques. In September, embassy representatives met with the Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights Secretariat of Global Protection to discuss the importance of religious freedom. The lower number of Muslims in Italy cannot fully explain the fewer acts of terrorism or radicalization. IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics). However, there are new converts due to the missionary effects of Hare Krishnas. Here are the 10 countries with the highest percentage of Muslims: Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050 - Pew Research Center, The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050 - Pew Research Center, Muslim Population by Country - World Atlas, Percentage Muslim: Countries Compared - NationMaster 2004, Worlds Muslim population more widespread than you might think. ), Islam includes two major denominations: Sunni (75-90%) and Shi'a (10-13%), as well as a number of smaller branches. At years end, police continued to investigate the case. In Indonesia, Islam can be broadly categorized into modernism, which follows orthodox theology while embracing modern learning, or traditionalism, which follows the interpretations of local religious leaders. From January to August, the Jewish Federation of Sao Paulo recorded 149 incidents and allegations of anti-Semitism in the country in its annual Anti-Semitism Report. There was also some hindrances to the construction of temples and cemeteries that belonged to the Catholic Church. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brazil, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics). In May, the Sao Paulo Legislative Assembly held the Sao Paulo State Religious Freedom Week, a series of virtual meetings to promote freedom of religion and tolerance. Early Muslims met privately for prayer, to learn to read and write Qur'anic Arabicnotable during a period when most white Brazilians were illiteratefor spiritual guidance, and in some areas, to plan uprisings (such as the 1835 Mal Uprising). According to anthropologist Adriana Magalhaes Dias at the State University of Campinas, there were 349 active neo-Nazi organizations in the country. Supreme Court Justice Luiz Fux said, This memorial is so that we do not suffer from the vice of indifference and also to express our indignation at the Holocaust. Plans for the monument include a small museum and cultural space to be used for Holocaust education activities and programming. Brazil possesses a richly spiritual society formed from the meeting of the Catholic Church with the religious traditions of enslaved Africans and indigenous people. The Rio de Janeiro Consul General wrote an op-ed in honor of the August 22 International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. *Data for some countries come primarily from general population surveys which are less reliable than censuses or large-scale demographic and health surveys for estimating minority-majority ratios (see Methodology ). Though there is a tolerance of other faiths, no efforts are made to accommodate said faiths. . Muslim population growth from 610 to 2020 CE. A consulate representative met with Candomble priest and head of the Commission to Combat Religious Intolerance (CCIR) Ivanir dos Santos to learn about the challenges faced within the Candomble community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, new cases of religious intolerance involving followers of Afro-Brazilian religions, and possible areas in which the United States could serve as a partner for promoting religious freedom. Muslims have had a working identity within Brazil for as long as slavery has existed which initially introduced the faith to the region. As per the World Population Prospects, 2019 by the United Nations, the population of Brazil in 2023 is 216,422,446 (216 million or 21.6 crores) Source: UN World Population Prospects Brazil Demography Brazil's population growth rate during 2020-2021 is expected to be 0.51%. With a population reportedly reaching into the millions, further discussion must be sought regarding the history of Muslims in Brazil. Police identified who ordered the plot and who participated in the attack, and authorities pressed charges against seven individuals, including the alleged leader of the group, Alvaro Malaquias Santa Rosa. Starting around 1550, the Portuguese began to trade African slaves to work the sugar plantations once the native Tupi people deteriorated. Within the second half of this century, Muslims are expected to become . Religion in Brazil [poll data] (2020) . On September 1, the Ambassador met virtually with the President of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops. In May, Safernet, an NGO that promotes human rights on social networks and monitors radical websites, reported the creation of 204 new pages of neo-Nazi content in the country during the year, compared with 42 new pages in May 2019, and 28 in May 2018. According to the Inquisition reports, many New Christians living in Brazil during colonial times were condemned for secretly observing Jewish customs. In the centuries since that time, additional theological differences have arisen. The total population in Brazil is projected at 212,559,417 or 212.56 million people for the year 2020. The city government later apologized. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2002, p. 35, Hanson, Carl A. However, early Brazilian Muslims were not solely representative of one or two ethnic groups, but many, including Africans who converted to Islam in Brazil. [13] During the past 30 years, Islam has become increasingly noticeable in Brazilian society by building not only mosques, but also libraries, arts centres, and schools and also by funding newspapers. the practices of integration come as quite a pseudo-realistic one as there is still no accommodation for faiths outside the Catholic Church. [34] The Federation of Muslim Associations of Brazil estimates there are about 1.5 million Muslims and others say about 400,000 to 500,000. Representatives of the company denied all allegations, while stating they were in the midst of a land dispute with the terreiro, which the company claimed had illegally installed fences on the perimeter of its property. 2007-2020 Brazil (red), OECD - Average (black) 15-19 year-old men % in same age group 2021 OECD - Average (black) Find all indicators on Education. We are onFB,Twitterand Instagram! In February, the Paraiba State Commission of Soccer Referees ordered Edson Boca not to wear clothing that represented his Afro-Brazilian religion while he worked as a massage therapist for the Sao Paulo Crystal soccer team. Spiritism is a religion, founded in the 19th century by the French educator Allan Kardec, which proposes the study of "the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world". As of 2017, there are about 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, according to the Pew Research Center; together, they make up nearly one-fourth of the world's population, making Islam the world's second largest religion after Christianity. the largest slave rebellion in . This is mostly because of the large Japanese Brazilian community. FIERJ reported 42 complaints of anti-Semitic incidents on social media, of which it determined that 12 constituted anti-Semitism. Islamic community represents 14.2% of total population in India. Muslims within Brazil have had a long-standing history. England and Wales's white population slipped to 81.7% of the total in 2021's census from 86% in . The constitution prohibits federal, state, and local governments from either supporting or hindering any religion. The stories of the successful Haitian revolution coupled with fights for freedom in Bahia become tools to allow other African slaves to reenact the battles carried out by those peoples who had struggled in the name of equality. African Islam transformed under slavery, being forced to accommodate circumstances that . By Pew in 2010, there are 204,000 Muslims in Brazil, representing 0.1% of total population. Uzair Ahmed is a research fellow at the Center for Research on Extremism at the University of Oslo. Huda. This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 16:08. [22] However, the 2010 census reported nearly 1.4 million people listed themselves as members . According to the 2010 census, which is the most recently available data from official sources, 65 percent of the population is Catholic, 22 percent Protestant, eight percent irreligious (including atheists, agnostics, and deists), and two percent Spiritist. According to the National Secretariat of Human Rights of the Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights, the national human rights hotline received 410 reports of religious intolerance in 2019, compared with 506 in 2018. Since the government still depends on population figures from the . The law prohibits public subsidies to schools operated by religious organizations. However, in recent years both Chinese Mahayana and South East Asian Theravda sects are gaining popularity. [1] Due to the secular nature of Brazil's constitution, Muslims are free to proselytize and build places of worship in the country. Glenda Tibe Bonifacio and Vivienne S. M. Angeles (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010), pp. Media reported individuals set fire to, bombed, and destroyed Afro-Brazilian places of worship, sometimes injuring or threatening worshippers. Approximately 72% of the American Muslim population are immigrants or "second generation." Here are the 10 states with the largest Muslim populations: Illinois - 2,800 per 100k Virginia - 2,663 per 100k New York - 2,028 per 100k In addition, Brazil recognized the Middle Eastern Muslim country Palestine as an independent state on December 3, 2011. The country with the single largest population of Muslim people is Indonesia, which is home to 13% of the world's Muslims in its own right. In May, the Sao Paulo Legislative Assembly held the Sao Paulo State Religious Freedom Week, a series of virtual meetings to promote freedom of religion and tolerance. Candomble priest Mae Iara de Oxum organized the 11th annual event, which had the support of the Salvador municipal government and the Gregorio de Matos Foundation. World Muslim Population : 1950 - 2020 H. Kettani Economics The purpose of this manuscript is to present a reliable estimate of the Muslim population and its percentage in each country throughout the world from 1950 to 2020. The community is overwhelmingly Sunni; the Sunnis are almost completely assimilated into broader society. Islam is a minority religion in all of the countries and territories of the Americas, around 1% of North America population are Muslims, and 0.1% of Latin America and Caribbean population are Muslims.. Suriname has the highest percentage of Muslims in its population for the region, with 13.9% or 75,053 individuals, according to its 2012 census. A small number of Sindhis had arrived here from Suriname and Central America in 1960 to set up shop as traders in the city of Manaus. The only exceptions are the Sindhis in Manaus (who have formed an Indian Association with about a hundred members) and the Goans in So Paulo. Afro-Brazilian religions are syncretic religions, such as Candombl, that have many followers, mainly Afro-Brazilians. Aminah Beverly McCloud, Scott W. Hibbard and Laith Saud (Malden: Blackwell Publishing Limited, 2013), pp. 3, p313-p333. The rebellion had nationwide repercussions. Anti-Muslim activist Brigitte Gabriel tweeted: "It's pathetic to hear all the Fox News talking heads blaming and attacking the 20 Members of Congress opposing McCarthy." [Twitter, 1/4/23] Former Newsmax host Emerald Robinson called Fox & Friends hosts "uniparty swamp rats" over their support for McCarthy. Evangelical Protestantism and Pentecostalism has grown very rapidly in Brazil since the late 20th century. The number of adherents of these organizations is not officially recorded but is estimated to be a few thousand. Jews are wicked and think only of their well-being. Facebook deleted the users account after the Brazilian Jewish Confederation denounced the post. While Muslims in Asia have reached more than two-thirds of the world's Muslim population living on this continent. - Muslim population: 1.57 billion people (23% of the world's population - 6.8 billion), 20% of the World's population. It is an example of Byzantine architecture that can be appreciated in South America. Brazil ranks number 6 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. Since then, it has been declining in every census. On February 20, approximately five thousand Candomble followers and supporters participated in the Pedra de Xango Annual Walk against Religious Intolerance in Salvador, Bahia. The country had 1.41175 billion people at the end of 2022, compared with 1.41260 billion a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday, a fall of 850,000. Its population is equivalent to 2.73% of the total world population. The CCIR and CEAP organized a series of seminars and debates at Rio de Janeiros Federal Justice Cultural Center to discuss respect for, and tolerance of, religious diversity, including countering religious persecution against practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions. According to the Jewish Confederation of Brazil, there are approximately 125,000 Jews in the country. For example, the Imam of the Av. In March, media reported that the Rio Grande do Sul Public Defenders Center for the Defense of Human Rights opened an investigation of reports of religious intolerance against an Afro-Brazilian religious group located in a suburb of Porto Alegre. On December 18, the embassy and consulates general hosted a webinar with an associate professor of political science from a U.S. university and author of a book on religion and democracy. [35] During Ramadan, in January 1835, a small group of black slaves and freedmen from Salvador da Bahia, inspired by Muslim teachers, rose up against the government in the Mal Revolt, the largest slave rebellion in Brazil. The Rio de Janeiro Civil Police Office for Racial Crimes and Crimes of Intolerance received 32 reports of religious intolerance from January through September. In his decision, Judge Fabiano Verli said that this was not a religious freedom issue and that Brazil, as a secular state, must prioritize protecting vulnerable populations from the spread of COVID-19. 249 -. On August 14, the embassy and consulates general held a virtual roundtable with four speakers, including a representative of an Afro-Brazilian community known as a quilombo, who discussed the challenges for members of the community participating in religious events. The Mocambo: Slave Resistance in Colonial Bahia. Transaction Publishers, 1997. Scholars claim that Brazil received more enslaved Muslims than anywhere else in the Americas. The number of Muslims in Europe is projected to rise from just over 25 million in 2016, to between 35 million and 75 million by 2050. There were multiple reports of harassment of Afro-Brazilian religious practitioners on social media. The tension between various Muslim groups, particularly Shi'a vs Sunni, has occasionally led to armed conflict and terrorist activity. Hindu religious leader Rajan Zed accused national fashion brand Jon Cotre of religious insensitivity and sacrilege for using the image of Lord Ganesh, a Hindu deity, in its line of shorts. The law allows public and private school students, except those in military training, to postpone taking exams or attending classes on their day of worship when their faith prohibits such activities. Police identified Aaron, but at years end, they had not made an arrest. Hausa and Yoruba slaves spread Islam amongst the plantations early in their arrival to Brazil. Dias, A. [5] Despite falling in most of the country, Catholicism remains strong in most of the Northeast. The 2019 population density in Brazil is 25 people per Km 2 (65 people per mi 2), calculated on a total land area of 8,358,140 Km2 (3,227,095 sq. On August 13, a television host from private news network Arapuan mocked Afro-Brazilian religions on air. [30] The original building remains to this day,[31] but the Jews were forced to leave Brazil when the Portuguese-Brazilians retook the land in 1654.[32]. Terrorism or radicalization media platforms National Day to Combat religious Intolerance from January through.... Of Lebanon ( 1998 ), pp please feel free to share it on your social media platforms the Islam! ] ( 2020 ) presumed to have first been practiced by African slaves brought from West Africa deleted. 2010, there are accounts of Pentecostals verbally harassing Muslims, particularly women wearing Islamic dress University of Oslo of... Destroyed Afro-Brazilian places of worship, sometimes injuring or threatening worshippers, discussion... Carl a of Umbanda this continent muslim population in brazil 2020 religions have suffered increasing hostility from churches! 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